
Back To Cambridge Curriculum School – We Are Safe, Secure & Ready For You!

Adults have various methods of dealing with complex events. It’s the same with children. Some youngsters will have coped well with the COVID-19 pandemic’s limitations and school closures. But others find it challenging to deal with all of the changes and uncertainties.

Some students may return to school with stress, worry, loneliness, or grief. Some parents may have even noticed an upsurge in disrupted studies. Children’s transition to in-person academic learning requires help, especially after long periods of school closure.

And how does the Cambridge curriculum school achieve it? What is its contribution to making the school a kid-friendly place? Read on to know how a Cambridge curriculum school tackles the school reopening in the most convenient way possible.

COVID-19’s Influence On Schooling

Every schoolchild around the globe has been affected by COVID-19. It caused significant hurdles for each school as well as the education department. The primary question in this situation is how to guarantee that learning is not permanently harmed. Or how to re-establish resilient and sustainable institutions.

The Cambridge school must make difficult policy choices. It includes whether to reopen schools or not. Forcing kids to attend schools is not an option, considering how the pandemic is still growing and the easiest way to manage it is physical distancing.

The first step must be to figure out how to get schools up and running again. It must be in a manner that permits children to flourish while offering instructors peace of mind about their safety.

Even with online education, no child’s education is complete until they can meet their classmates. It helps them converse. Interacting is useful in a social context and stimulates intellectual development and creativity.

Closing the schools is not feasible until an utterly safe environment can be established. This may take as long as administering a COVID-19 vaccination for all. Children from diverse neighbourhoods suffer the most from online education.

Furthermore, closing schools implies that all children miss the educational process and the social involvement that is an essential component of their development. Children’s intellectual growth is hampered if they do not attend school.

As a result, schools and governments must determine how to best balance the threat of the virus and the need to reopen schools.

How Have Cambridge Curriculum Schools Prepared Themselves For Reopening?

Cambridge curriculum schools have prepared for opening their doors to the students in the following ways:

1.    Pay Attention To The Worries Of Children

COVID-19 and school closures negatively influence the mental health and well-being of many children and adolescents. Instructors must listen to kids’ problems and display understanding and sensitivity.

The Cambridge curriculum engages one-on-one with you to regroup and address any issues that may have emerged when their school was shut. You must follow the child sheltering processes if a youngster says anything that concerns you.

1.    Examine The Children’s Progress

Cambridge teachers and school officials should examine how kids perform before introducing new academic topics to them. Remember that youngsters may have trouble focusing at first or want more time to come back into the learning process.

Allow children to pause, walk about, and reconnect with their classmates.

2.    Provide Correct Information On COVID-19 To Youngsters

Children may have varied opinions and concerns about COVID-19 once they return to school. They need and require accurate information.

To appropriately reply to children’s queries regarding COVID-19, Cambridge uses child-friendly and age-appropriate materials available in your country/region based on scientific evidence.

While it’s crucial to recognise the scope of what’s happening worldwide, be sure to highlight all of the work and procedures to minimise risks in the school reopening preparations. Don’t forget to teach kids about school safety procedures, such as what to do if there is a COVID-19 case in the classroom.

1.    Seek Recommendations From The Kids

Children can also help ensure a welcoming, safe, and pleasant environment. They can respect school safety protocols and use available resources while doing so.

Children may make recommendations, help customise the classroom walls with bright and welcome slogans, and work in small numbers to assist each other catch up on their learning. Let them know that being supportive of one another will enable them to get through this.

Remember to thank children for their efforts and contributions. Best schools in Sharjah help kids feel safe by engaging with them, creating strong connections with them, and employing routines throughout the day.

2.    Be On The Lookout For Any Unusual Child Behaviour

Keep an eye out for changes in your children’s behaviour. Please follow school policy and seek further help and direction if needed. The change may occur due to substantial changes in a student’s behaviour.

It may continue over time, prohibiting the children from functioning or playing. If a teacher notices that a student is having difficulty, they may provide a lot of help. If you believe the kid requires specialised care, you should seek assistance.

Cambridge schools have a medical group to help kids in these situations. Continue to give learning assistance and direction. And if a kid is having difficulty learning or concentrating, provide additional help. You can also try to teach at a slower speed.

3.    Help Pupils Engage By Encouraging Them To Play And Participate In Sports

Many nations have imposed strict distance restrictions on children. This prevents them from interacting daily with classmates in playgrounds or other public settings.

The Cambridge curriculum ensures that when children return to school, they get numerous interaction opportunities. These include playing and connecting with classmates.

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