Three fully networked high tech ICT laboratories with interactive smart board gives perfect ambience to explore unlimited software skills at different age groups & learning levels.
Well equipped with instruments & gadgets that would awaken the dormant young scientist in our children. With its highest safety standard it offers wide range of electrical, mechanical & optical instruments to meet curriculum requirements. Junior laboratory opens door to world of scientific enquiry & quest. Children are always excited to learn by observation & here there is lot to observe get your curious mind at work.
The world of life science is full of nature’s beauty & complexity. Our students are encouraged to see every aspect of life with curiosity & enquiry. The Biology lab caters to those who have inquisitive minds to dig deeper into life of plants, animals & micro-organisms. A full range of biological specimens are displayed in the lab to allow students to see life closely through the microscope & get entry to the world of Doctors, Biochemists, Pharmacists & molecular biologists.
Chemicals thrill young minds due to their mysterious colours & magical nature. Our chemistry lab meets the best standards with well equipped preparation room & lab assistant to help procedural requirements. The safety measures are displayed at tactical points & practiced with no exception. Our children are exposed to all lab equipments & procedures required to investigate & analyse variety of experiments.
The artistic talents & gifts of students is stimulated by artistically designed studio where colours make lasting impression on your mind. The creative being of a child is nurtured & developed by carefully designed program that will groom the child to a different level every year. The collage, origami, sketches, painting & art of recycling are taught & the budding artists are rewarded & encouraged to develop their potential to fullest.
Research shows that the more students read, the better their English becomes. Students who read extensively expand their vocabulary, improve their grammar & develop their abilities in all four skills. A carefully selected reading resource for all key stages is available at BIPS fully networked library. Many reputed publishers have designed progressive reading material that includes fiction & nonfiction to keep pace with their academic & social development. The reading resources are classified as Starter, beginner, elementary, lower intermediate, intermediate, Upper intermediate & advanced level. We keep a reading record for every child at EYFS & Key stage 1 & those students who have read record number of books are rewarded with certificates.
At BIPS we follow ‘Healthy food healthy body policy. No Junk food & fizzy drinks are sold in the school cafeteria. We encourage parents to pack healthy nourishment for children & insist on salads & fiber-rich food right from the early stage of learning. The cafeteria meets the highest standard of hygiene & food is served by trained personnel.
This facility caters special depth levels for early age groups. The pool is automsied to keep its hygienic safety standard. The pool area is supervised by trained swimming coaches & life guards to offer safe swimming exercises & training programs for different age groups. Swimming costume & prior shower is must to enter the pool. The separate shower & changing rooms are available for boys & girls.
This hall accommodates facility for indoor functions & stage concerts. It is specious & equipped with audio-visual gadgets. This hall also offers wide range of indoor sports such as table tennis, badminton, basket ball, snooker, fuss ball & gymnastic training equipment. At BIPS we aim to produce fine sports persons with exceptional skills in popular sports. Trained coaches to teach the fine motor skills & martial arts are deputed to accomplish these goals.
Purpose built facility with high fences offer unique ambience for outdoor sports for boys and girls separately. Some areas are shaded to ease sports activity in summer season and also to accommodate spectators sitting and enjoying the game. The primary play area is fully covered to keep the heat off from young enthusiasts.
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Brilliant International Pvt. School (BIPS) is a dream project for a group of educationists and philanthropists who have set exemplary standards in the field of education by using their expertise into a couple of educational ventures.