
Foundation Stage

Here at BIPS, we follow the British Curriculum, The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) sets standards for the learning, development and care of children. The EYFS is more than a curriculum it is a framework designed to support an integrated approach to early learning and care. It gives all professionals a set of common principles and commitments to deliver quality early education and childcare experiences to all children. Teachers deliver individualised learning we a common aim to provide children the best possible start in life. Every child is supported individually to make progress at their own pace this is achieved through play and inquiry based activities.

The EYFS principles which guide the work of all practitioners are grouped into four distinct but complementary themes:
  • A Unique Child
  • Positive Relationships
  • Enabling Environments
  • Learning and Development

In regards to each child’s learning and development and how they go about this in the Early Years, the EYFS curriculum sets out the Characteristics of Effective Learning into the three categories:

  • Playing and Exploring
  • Active Learning
  • Creating and Thinking Critical
Within the EYFS curriculum, there are seven areas of learning:
  1. Personal, Social and Emotional Development –PSED
  2. Communication and Language –CL
  3. Physical Development-PD
  4. Literacy
  5. Mathematics
  6. Understanding of the World
  7. Expressive Arts and Design-EDA

In the Early Years Department within BIPS, we aim to provide an inclusive education for all students. Personal, Social & Emotional development and Communication & Language development continues to be the focus for Preschool year and we will be monitoring the outcomes to ensure we have a solid foundation to build on when entering Reception Year. In Reception the focus will be on Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding of the World and Expressive Arts and Design. Whilst still continuing to embed the three core areas. This is preparing your children for the transition to their Primary Education.

Learning occurs through a cumulative process, allowing your child to build on their prior knowledge through new experiences and in a play-based environment. Your child will build on their comprehension through innovative activities and an engaging and stimulating atmosphere.

The EYFS is a curriculum looking at individual child’s need it provides teachers opportunities to plan intentions for your child’s incremental next steps of development.  BIPS recognises each child as unique, with individual needs and abilities. Teachers track your child’s progression through a series of observations long narrative, snap shot, photographs and your child’s individual work. Which allows the teacher to determine a pace suitable for them. Each child will have a learning journey, this is a collection of purposeful observations collated during your child’s time at school. This is evidence of your child’s attainment and progression which clearly links to the seven areas of learning. We at BIPS encourage you the parents to be involved in your child’s learning Journey and education. We will encourage you to bring in photographs of things your child has achieved at home and for you to write comments and inform us of things that have been of interest to your child. It is our aim to work together as parents as partnership to support, extend and enhance your child’s learning and development.

At BIPS we assess children’s progression by using a selection of materials as example evidence of children’s attainment within their initial Learning Journey. In the third term of the reception year we categorized evidence into the 17 early learning goals (ELGs) creating the EYFS Profile. Which is given to the new teachers in the primary section of the school.

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