
MoE Subjects

MoE Subjects – Arabic, Islamic, Social Studies, Moral Education


We follow the UAE Government Curriculum for MoE subjects and we adapted it to ensure the full engagement and challenge for students for all abilities.


The curriculum is enhanced through units of work linked to learning about the UAE heritage and Culture with exploring of the other cultures all over the world to raising the concept of tolerance.

We commit and follow all the procedures from SPEA regarding the teaching of MoE subjects, including the curriculum plans and the number of teaching periods.


Brilliant International Private School provide an Arabic language programme for both native and non-native speakers to give all our children an opportunity to be able to communicate in our host nation’s language focus on speaking, listening, reading and writing.

Arabic for native speakers is taught in Reception /FS1 to Year13/Grade 12. Arabic for non-native speakers is taught in Reception /FS1 to Year 10/Grade 9 and then optional from grade 10 onwards. 


Islamic for native speakers and non-native speakers is taught in Reception /FS1 to Year 13/Grade 12 for all Muslims.

The curriculum is built on exploring verses of the Quran, and Hadith (what Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) said).

It aims to give pupils a clear, thorough understanding of Islamic teachings, moral behaviour, Islamic values and principles, Islamic law and etiquettes, Seerah (Life of the Prophet), Faith, Identity and Humanity and the universe

Social Studies

Social Studies for native speakers and non-native speakers is taught in Year 2/Grade 1 to Year 10/Grade 9.

The curriculum emphasizes attention to connections among the peoples and nations of the world, the impact of science and technology on societies and social development, and the responsibilities and privileges of living in a safe, stable, and secure society, i.e. good citizenship.

The Social Science curriculum aspires to equip young people with the ability to use knowledge of the past as part of the inspiration to develop new ideas in the present while planning for the future with innovation and creativity.

The Social Science for Non-Arabs curriculum aims to arm students with an awareness of the world around them to help them navigate and be successful in the future that those present today cannot even imagine, to make informed and reasoned decisions as members of a tolerant and culturally diverse society in an interdependent world.

Moral Education

Moral Education for native speakers and non-native speakers is taught in Year 2/Grade 1 to Year 9/Grade 8.

Moral education curriculum seeks to foster in students a set of universal values, which will enable them to peacefully interact and connect with people from different cultural and social groups who hold different views and perspectives. It seeks to empower them to become active, responsible, local and global citizens. It enables them to develop mutual understanding, respect for difference and empathy in order to sustain our cohesive and prosperous society. Through dialogue and interaction, students are provided with opportunities to explore different worldviews, to challenge one another’s assumptions and attitudes and to develop the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to think critically, to make informed ethical decisions and to act on them in the interests of their society.


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